This second edition includes material on mind, body and spirit social work, mindfulness, and enhanced content on Indigenous social work.
Webster's dictionary defines disaster as “a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction.” According to the National Association of Social Workers, social workers are “uniquely suited to interpret the disaster ...
Focusing on the roles and functions social workers perform in various areas, this book highlights the dynamism and vitality of the profession. It offers practical information about jobs available and career opportunities.
This book was written to help social work educators make pedagogically sound, rational, practical, and ethical decisions about integrating technology into their social work programs and across the curriculum.
The book is an exemplary resource for foundational courses in social work. Kathleen F. Cox is a licensed clinical social worker and Professor Emerita at California State University, Chico.
In N. W. Bell & E. Vogel (Eds.), Modern introduction to the family (rev. ed.). New York: Free Press. Sterns, A. A., & Sterns, H. L. (1997). Should there be an affirmative action policy for hiring older persons? Yes.
- Expose your students to the thoughts and opinions of many of today′s leaders in social work education, in essays specially written for this volume.
The text also includes case studies, collaborative learning exercises, and critical thinking questions to help students apply concepts to practice.
passes fully under the domination of science; when it becomes transfused with the spirit and transformed by the method of modern science. ... The social worker must learn to become a scientific social thinker also.
The Third Edition closely aligns with the latest Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) from the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE); references the 2018 Code of Ethics from the National Association of Social Workers ...
Social Work Practice for Social Justice: Cultural Competence in Action