In Anarchy Unbound, Peter T. Leeson uses rational choice theory to explore the benefits of self-governance. Relying on experience from the past and present, Professor Leeson provides evidence of anarchy "working" where it is least expected to do so and explains how this is possible. Provocatively, Leeson argues that in some cases anarchy may even outperform government as a system of social organization, and demonstrates where this may occur. Anarchy Unbound challenges the conventional self-governance wisdom. It showcases the incredible ingenuity of private individuals to secure social cooperation without government and how their surprising means of doing so can be superior to reliance on the state.
Author argues for a viable and stable form of anarchic or stateless society, relying crucially on a form of community.
" This collection of Bauer's essays reveals the full power and range of his thought as well as the central concern that underlies so much of his diverse work: the impact of people's conduct, their cultural institutions, and the policies of ...
Although most people believe that some form of government is necessary, until recently it was merely an assumption that had never been analyzed from an economic point of view. This...
Chapter 3: Leeson, Peter T., Peter J. Boettke, and Jayme S. Lemke. 2014. “Wife Sales.” Review of Behavioral Economics 1:349–379. © Now Publishers. Chapter 4: Leeson, Peter T. 2013. “Gypsy Law.” Public Choice 155:273–292.
Pack your cutlass and blunderbuss--it's time to go a-pirating! The Invisible Hook takes readers inside the wily world of late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century pirates.
Facing Europe's Ghosts After Communism Tina Rosenberg. last regime. ... He presided over the firing of 13,500 of Saxony's primary school teachers and principals—more than one in four. Each teacher was summoned ...
Through analytical narratives the book provides a close examination of the world's first stock markets, key elements of which were unenforceable by law; the community of Celebration, Florida, and other private communities that show how ...
Lucy and Miller. Miller and Lucy. She had stared at her pictures of the two of them together. Would the public confuse the chemistry as romantic, or had she confused it as platonic? She recalled specific moments where joking colleagues ...
The development of anarchist organizations, the various forms (peaceful and violent) of anarchist political action in Europe and America, the reasons for the appeal of anarchism at certain periods and to certain people—all these are given ...
Anarchy. Driven by a search for understanding, Shepard sheds dogma and seeks absolute, unedited truth.