A detailed overview of the Eastern African stone tools that make up the world's longest archaeological record.
This first book about stone tools written specifically for Eastern African archaeology by an expert stoneworker, teaches students how to 'read' stone tools and guides archaeologists in how to identify and measure them.
Yiron Level 3 (Gravel) Borj Quinnaret Latamne, Latamne Formation Nahr el—Kebir, QMIII Formation Sitt Marko, ... Maayan Barukh Mashari'a 1 (Tabaqat Fahl) Nadaouiyeh Levels B—F Revadim Tabun Cave Level Ec—F/Units XII—XIII Umm Qatafa Cave ...
MiddleLate Pleistocene long core-tool from Mantes, France, b–c. large thinned bifaces from Le Volgü and Les Jeans Blancs, France, d–e. fluted point and thinned biface from the Fenn Cache, western United States, f. thinned biface with ...
This 1954 text analyses the relationship between physical geography and stone age culture within the Horn of Africa.
East Africa's Prehistoric Past
Manuals in archaeological method, theory and technique. ... My “backed and truncated bladelet”, your “point”: terminology and interpretation in Levantine Epipalaeolithic ... Prehistoric lithic technology: Some aspects of research.
International archaeologists examine early Stone Age tools and bones to present the most holistic view to date of the archaeology of human origins.
In this book the author presents the results of more than ten years of systematic fieldwork and analysis of the stone tool assemblages in the region of Aksum (Ethiopia). The...
The earliest traces of proto-human technology emerged over 2.5 million years ago on the African continent. Called the Oldowan after the famous site of Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, these technologies...
The Principle of Seniority in the Social Structure of the Yoruba. American Anthropologist 44(1), 37–46. 1944. The Sociological Role of the Yoruba Cult Group, Memoir 63. American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. 1952.