A far-reaching course in practical advanced statistics for biologists using R/Bioconductor, data exploration, and simulation.
Modern Statistics for Modern Biology
J. Biopharm. Stat. 19, 803–817 (2009) Szarfman, A., Machado, S., O'Neill, R.: Use of screening algorithms and computer ... J. Chem. Info. Model. 46,471–477 (2006) Wishart, D.S., Yang, R., Arndt, D., Tang, P., Cruz, J.: Dynamic cellular ...
Acknowledging the peculiarites of field-based data and its interpretation, this book provides a superb introduction to statistical analysis helping students relate to their particular and often diverse data with confidence and ease.
This book covers the statistical models and methods that are used to understand human genetics, following the historical and recent developments of human genetics.
The correlation procedure is invoked in exactly the same way as for Pearson's correlation (Stat>Basic Statistics>Correlation); the only difference is that we specify the columns containing the ranks, not those with the original data.
This book is appropriate for mathematics courses such as finite mathematics, discrete structures, linear algebra, abstract/modern algebra, graph theory, probability, bioinformatics, statistics, biostatistics, and modeling, as well as for ...
This book emphasizes the importance of the likelihood function in statistical theory and applications and discusses it in the context of biology and ecology.
Starting from basics, this book carefully introduces those statistical methods and techniques that all students and researchers need to know. Written in an accessible style, the book divides into two parts.
60, 335–405 (2008) Long, J.C., Williams, R.C., Urbanek, M.: An E-M algorithm and testing strategy for multiplelocus ... 37, 413–417 (2005) Martin, E.R., Kaplan, N.L., Weir, B.S.: Tests for linkage and association in nuclear families.
Another value of the book are the accompanying online resources (available at: http://www.mpcm-evolution.com), where the authors post and permanently update practical materials to help embed methods into practice.