Examines the WTO rules governing industrial subsidies, as established by the SCM Agreement and interpreted by relevant case law.
This book provides an essential article-by-article commentary on the Agreement and sets out the law as it emerges from this body of rulings, providing the legal basis for further analysis of subsidy disciplines within the realms of ...
This volume covers: • Goods: the updated General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that includes new rules on agriculture, textiles, anti-dumping, subsidies and countervailing measures, import licensing, rules of origin, standards, ...
A separate case study explores the complex rules on export credit support, and the book closes with an in-depth normative assessment of these WTO rules on subsidies and countervailing measures.
This book examines the novel challenge for developing countries to upgrade and optimize their industrial structure and trade composition by stimulating genuinely innovative and competitive industrial strength.
This volume analyses the importance of anti-dumping from a developing country's perspective.
trade-distorting effect and that meet the policy-specific criteria set out in Annex 2 of the Agreement on Agriculture. ... Commitments and flexibilities in the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures: An economically ...
Commitments wereagreed ona reciprocal basis, and flexibility applies to the differential application ofsuch commitments. ... In addition there are provisions in the Subsidiesand Countervailing Duties Agreement andin the Agreement on ...
... David M. Trubek Commitments and Flexibilities in the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures José Guilherme Moreno Caiado The Return of the Home State to Investor-State Disputes: Bringing Back Diplomatic Protection?
... University of Warwick 2007) Dolzer R and Schreuer C, Principles of International Investment Law (OUP 2008) Drabek Z and Mavroidis PC (eds), Regulation of Foreign Investment: Challenges to International Harmonization (2013) World ...
The book assesses how the World Trade Organization, international investment law, and the international intellectual property rights regime approach the economic issues raised by climate change.