This new edition is unparalleled in breadth of coverage, thoroughness of technical explanations and number of worked examples.
The informational approach to congressional structure draws on research by Thomas Gilligan and Keith Krehbiel. The model in the text is taken from Gilligan and Krehbiel 1987. My presentation of their model has been helped by the clear ...
In the last few years game theory has had a substantial impact on computer science, especially on Internet- and e-commerce-related issues.
Game theory is the mathematical study of interaction among independent, self-interested agents.
This book is a selection of the best articles from Game Theory Tuesdays, a column from the blog Mind Your Decisions.
Any skilled negotiator knows all of the above points without relying on game theory. The interest of the theory relies on its capacity to derive all those results based on a few minimal principles. It seems that a lesson worth learning ...
this approach to the Battle of the Sexes, for example, you will find both purestrategy Nash equilibria, (O, O) and(F, F). For the Prisoner's Dilemma only (F, F) will be identified.
In the "heroic era" of research that began in the late 1940s, the foundations of the current theory were laid; it is these fundamental contributions that are collected in this volume.
Research has also shown that economics can provide insight into many aspects of sports, including soccer. Beautiful Game Theory is the first book that uses soccer to test economic theories and document novel human behavior.
John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern conceived a groundbreaking mathematical theory of economic and social organization, based on a theory of games of strategy.
This book introduces one of the most powerful tools of modern economics to a wide audience: those who will later construct or consume game-theoretic models.