This is the first book to examine in detail the relationship between the Cold War and International Law.
This book follows the history of the international law of peace and armed conflict over the last 25 years.
This volume, the product of a Canada-Soviet bilateral conference of jurists and other scholars, specialized in International Law and International Organizatin, and International Conflicts-Resolution, held at Simon Fraser University, ...
International law suffered a drastic loss of respect during the Cold War for being neither consistently observed nor enforced by the superpowers, especially when their vital interests were at stake....
The book offers insights on whether international law can shape the politics of the Security Council and conversely, the extent to which the latter contribute to the development of international law.
International law, sometimes called the law of nations, has evolved over the last 400 years.
Law and Force in the New International Order offers a timely and comprehensive inquiry into the growing number of situations where the temptation or necessity to use military force confronts the tenets of international law.
Weston , Burns H. “ The Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States and the Deprivation of Foreign - Owned Wealth . ... Blix , Hans . Aggression , Neutrality and Sovereignty . Stockholm : Almqvist and Wiksell , 1970 .
Neutrality Alliances: The »Armed Neutrality
This volume examines the role of international law in the Security Council's decisions and decision-making process since the end of the Cold War, with the principle of legality as theoretical framework.
Centering on the theme of 'progressiveness', this powerful volume offers important new perspectives on the history, theory and practice of international law.