Marketing in the digital age poses major challenges for traditional and established practices of communication. To help readers meet these challenges Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications: An Evidence-based Approach provides a comprehensive foundation to the principles and practices of integrated marketing communications (IMC). It examines a variety of traditional and digital channels used by professionals to create wide-reaching and effective campaigns that are adapted for the aims of their organisations. This edition has been thoroughly revised and each chapter includes: case studies of significant and award-winning campaigns from both Australian and international brands that illustrate the application of explored concepts; discussion and case study questions that enable readers to critically evaluate concepts and campaigns; a managerial application section that illustrates how concepts can be applied effectively in a real situation; a 'further thinking' section that expands knowledge of advanced concepts and challenges readers to think more broadly about IMC.
For courses in introductory advertising. Increase the relevancy and effectiveness of marketing communications Advertising & IMC: Principles and Practice presents the strategic use of communications to engage different types of consumers.
Providing a fresh and innovative framework for the management of marketing communication processes, this textbook shifts the focus from message-making to relationship-building, focusing on a planned, integrated marketing communication ...
Based on feedback from reviewers, author Tom Duncan has increased the 2nd Edition coverage of key advertising concepts (like channel marketing, customer service, direct response and personal selling) to ensure a well-rounded approach to the ...
Based on the author's work experience in IMC and related fields, the publication focuses on the most durable principles of IMC, stressing best industry practices.
This volume represents a valuable resource for students, academics (teachers and researchers), and practitioners in the field of integrated marketing communication (IMC).
The Tenth edition highlights the increasing importance of consumers as the driving force in today’s advertising strategies, social media, and the Internet evolution/revolution. It also includes an increased IMC and brand focus.
Increased Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Focus: The broader focus of IMC in this edition includes all the various forms of marketing communication–multi-platform, as well as multimedia– and the discussion is embedded ...
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
44. 8. Jeffery D. Zbar, "Honda U.S. Hispanic Shop Widens Reach," Advertising Age, January 29, 1996, p. 30. 9. Melanie Wells, "Procter & Gamble Tells Ad Agencies to Diversify," USA To- day, April 26, 1996, p. 2B. 10. Sally Beatty ...
The authors present an integrated marketing approach to contemporary advertising. This new edition has been substantially updated to take account of the changes in the advertising industry that have marked the advent of the 21st century.