I'm not a racist, but... You look good, for your age... She was asking for it... You're crazy... That's so gay... Have you ever wondered why certain language has the power to offend? It is often difficult to recognize the veiled racism, sexism, ageism (and other –isms) that hide in our everyday discourse. This book sheds light on the derogatory phrases, insults, slurs, stereotypes, tropes and more that make up linguistic discrimination. Each chapter addresses a different area of prejudice: race and ethnicity; gender identity; sexuality; religion; health and disability; physical appearance; and age. Drawing on hot button topics and real-life case studies, and delving into the history of offensive terms, a vivid picture of modern discrimination in language emerges. By identifying offensive language, both overt and hidden, past and present, we uncover vast amounts about our own attitudes, beliefs and values and reveal exactly how and why words can offend.
“Text of the Speech Delivered by the President of Nicaragua,” February 26, 1990, Nicaraguan Embassy, Washington, DC, DNSA, ID: NI03230. 157. Latin American Studies Association, Electoral Democracy under International Pressure: The ...
The frightening lesson here is that doctrines can be destabilizing even when weapons are not, because doctrine may be more responsive to the organizational needs of the military than to the implications of the prevailing weapons technology.
The facts are then treated to analysis and policy prescriptions. Read this book and you will never again see the Internet through rose-colored glasses.
As the most successful producer in the franchise’s history, Dev always scripts the perfect love story for his contestants, even as his own love life crashes and burns.
This original book is the first to examine the significance of China's recent focus on soft power, that is, diplomacy, trade incentives, cultural and educational exchange opportunities, and other techniques, to project a benign national ...
But how did we become so thin-skinned? In 'I Find That Offensive!
... offense . Gates play defense . While the gates of hell are backpedaling , the church should be fast- breaking . While the gates of hell are reacting , the church should be initiating . The church Jesus envisions is a church on the offensive ...
Nussbaum, “Objectification,” Philosophy and PublicAffairs 24 (1995), 249–291, reprinted in Nussbaum, Sex and Social Justice (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 213–239. ... Rae Langton, Sexual Solipsism (Oxford: Oxford University ...
See Chaim Herzog, The Arab-Israeli Wars (New York: Random House, Inc., 1982), 310; Herbert J. Coleman, “Israeli Air Force Decisive in War,” Aviation Week & Space Technology 99, no. 23 (December 3, 1973): 18; Robert Frank Futrell, Ideas, ...
Political Satire and Its Censorship around the World from Beerbohm to Borat Leonard Freedman ... in the 1960s even mocked the new, highly praised Coventry Cathedral, which replaced the one destroyed by German bombs in World War II.