Be prepared for your future role in a service-oriented agency. This textbook provides practical guidance on program evaluation while avoiding replicating other course material. Drawing on over 40 years of subject knowledge, Allen Rubin describes outcome designs that are feasible for service-oriented agencies and that match the degree of certainty needed by key users of outcome evaluations. The utility and easy calculation of within-group effect sizes are outlined, which enhance the value of evaluations that lack control groups. Instructions are also given on how to write and disseminate an evaluation report in a way maximizes its chances of being used. Conducting focus group interviews and capitalising on the value of non-probabilitysamples will become second nature after following the effective and pragmatic advice mapped out chapter-by-chapter.
By integrating both evaluation and research methods and assuming no previous knowledge of research, this book makes an excellent reference for professionals working in social work and health settings who are now being called upon to conduct ...
Revised editon of Program evaluation for social workers, 2012.
... heritage may never be fully accepted by either racial community, so it is imperative that they be given the tools and support to develop their own unique, integrated sense of self (McRoy & Freeman, 1986; Miller & Miller, 1990).
Credible online sources of practice information include the Cochrane Collaboration ( and the Campbell Collaboration ( Both of these organizations' websites include systematic reviews and ...
Don't hit my mommy: A manual for child parent psychotherapy with young witnesses of family violence. Washington, DC: Zero to Three. ... Lieberman, A. F., Van Horn, P., & Ippen, C. (2005). Toward evidence-based treatment: Child Parent ...
This book was written for you-a graduate social work student-as an introduction to program evaluation.
This engaging text takes an evenhanded approach to major theoretical paradigms in evaluation and builds a bridge from them to evaluation practice.
Lieberman, A. F., Van Horn, P., & Ippen, C. (2005). Toward evidence-based treatment: Child Parent ... Murphy, B. C., & Dillon, C. (2008). Interviewing in action in a ... Reese, D., Ahern, R., Nair, S., O'Faire, J., & Warren, C. (1999).
This straightforward pocket guide to Preparing Research Articles steps into the void as an insider's guide to getting published.
No book currently on the market delineate the required steps for preparing to conduct an evaluation. The co-editors of this text developed a model to guide the complex process of planning for program evaluations in a variety of settings.