Careful searching of the literature shows that this dissertation work is ground-breaking in uniting the fields of medical informatics and physical therapy, and future development promises to be exciting.
Eng. 46, 41–64 (2003) Wilkinson, S.G.: Computerized Ontology Methods for Teaching Musculoskeletal Topics to Physical Therapy Students. PhD Thesis. The University of Utah, Utah (2007) Milam, J.: Ontologies in Higher Education, ...
The topic of this book is the modeling of data uncertainty and knowledge for a health engineering problem such as the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system. This is the first book on this subject.
Written specifically for PTs, this book covers the most common film images you will see in your practice and introduces you to some of the not-so-common images.
Cumulated Index Medicus
Cook, E.F., Goldman, L., 1984. Empiric comparison of multivariate analytic techniques: ... Dionne, C.E., Le Sage, N., Franche, R.-L., Dorval, M., Bombardier, C., Deyo, R.A., 2011. ... Ely, J.W., Graber, M.L., Croskerry, P., 2011.
For those struggling to understand both the concepts and how to implement them, this book will prove to be an invaluable and practical guide.
This book introduces new concepts and mechanisms regarding the usage of both social media interactions and artifacts for peer education in digital educational games.
"This book provides a comprehensive, critical approach to meeting the new challenges of technology in the classroom.
A Normative Model of Physical Therapist Professional Education: Version 2004
Three-time recipient of the AJN Book of the Year Award! Praise for the third edition: “This is an outstanding edition of this book. It has great relevance for learning about, developing, and using middle range theories.