THE EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: INCLUSION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, International Edition, is the most comprehensive and applied text available on early childhood special education. The text covers foundational issues facing teachers, parents, and paraprofessionals working in inclusive early childhood settings. It begins with definitions and explanations of key topics such as inclusion, federal legislation related to young children with disabilities, and different kinds of disabilities that early childhood educators may encounter in their programs. Then, it covers various applied issues and strategies related to early childhood inclusion--such as how to teach effectively and how to manage problematic behaviors. The Developmental Behavioral approach and the importance of classroom arrangement are stressed throughout. Current research related to early childhood education and inclusion is also cited. The authors explain how to effectively work with a diverse group of children that may contain more than one child with significant challenges, and how to design optimal learning at the individual and group levels. In addition, the authors address how to give parents and caregivers a role in the special education process while encouraging children to gain independence and facilitating their self-care.
79, pp. 34–41. Bourdieu, P 1990, The Logic of Practice, Polity Press,1990 English trans. by R Nice, Cambridge. Brennan, D, Cass, B, Flaxman, S, Hill, T, Jenkins, B, McHugh, M, Purcal, C & Valentine, K2013, ...
Everyday Mathematics: Grade Pre-K
Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, the 9th Edition offers a contemporary, accessible, and user-friendly approach to all of the major topics, programs, and issues at the forefront of early childhood education today. 0135201403 / ...
Note: This is the bound book only and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText.
Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues in Early Childhood
Family Service Centers Head Start has awarded grants to forty - one programs in order to demonstrate ways its programs can work with other community agencies and organizations to deal effectively with the problems of substance abuse ...
Young Children , 40 ( 2 ) , 17 . JOAN , B. , E. HAINES , AND L. GERBER ( 1984 ) . Leading young children to music . Columbus , OH : Merrill . LABAN , R. ( 1971 ) . The mastery of movement . London : Macdonald and Evans . LASKY ...
"'The Routledge World Music Pedagogy Series' encompasses principal cross-disciplinary issues in music, education, and culture in six volumes, detailing theoretical and practical aspects of World Music Pedagogy in ways that contribute to the ...
"This book will draw upon the findings of empirical research, which explored parents', ECEC practitioners' and teachers' beliefs about the nature of children's school readiness and the relationships between them as they prepared and ...
In this wordless story , a small mouse searches for a friend . First Day of School by Helen Oxenbury ( Dial , 1983 ) . A little girl , who is not looking forward to her first day of school , makes friends with another new girl .