Chris Kearney and Tim Trull's ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: A DIMENSIONAL APPROACH, International Edition provides students with a concise, contemporary, science-based view of psychopathology that emphasizes the individual first and the disorder second. Through consistent pedagogy featuring clinical cases and real first-person narratives, the text illuminates our understanding that abnormal behavior-rather than being either present or absent-exists in everyone to some degree on a continuum from normal to pathological. By highlighting this widely accepted dimensional view-which places the behavior of an individual at the forefront of clinical assessment, prevention, definition, and treatment-the text's goal is to encourage students to become intelligent consumers of mental health information. With its emphasis on assessment and treatment as well as prevention, the book gives students the tools necessary to understand the precursors of abnormal behavior, overcome the stigma associated with it, and identify the real people classified as exhibiting it.
The book also gives students a comprehensive understanding of the features and epidemiologies, risk factors and prevention, assessment and treatment, and long term prognosis and associated stigma of mental disorders.
Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach
Study Guide to Accompany Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life, Tenth Edition
Abnormal Psychology and Life
Abnormal Psychology and Life + Mindtap Psychology: A Dimensional Approach
In one example of these effects, suicides rose 12 percent in the month after Marilyn Monroe's suicide (Phillips, 1985). A review of 293 studies found that media coverage of a celebrity suicide is much more likely to spark an increase in ...
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... R. P., 605 Fisher, T., 384 Fisher, W., 26 Fishman, I., 180 Fitzgerald, D. A., 300 Flanagan, E. H., 143 Fletcher, ... A.J., 147, 372 Frank, R., 87 Franklin, J., 366 Franklin, M., 309, 314 Franko, D., 371 Fredriksen, M., 189 Freire, ...