PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS FOR HEALTH SCIENCE CAREERS, 3RD EDITION familiarizes students in Allied Health programs with essential math processes using real-life examples and straightforward instruction. Using a word problem format, this text starts with simple examples and progresses to complex paradigms to ensure students are engaged throughout each chapter. In addition to basic applications with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, problems involving medications, intravenous solutions, and other emulsions information are also featured on common graphs, charts, and gauges. Thoroughly updated and expanded, Practical Problems In Mathematics For Health Science Careers, 3rd Edition provides a strong foundation in the essential math processes used in all areas of health care. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Practical Problems in Math for Health Science Careers + Coursemate, 12-month Access
An excellent preparatory tool for the math portion of licensure and certification exams, the book works equally well as a stand alone text or as a supplement.(mathematics, health occupations)ALSO AVAILABLE -INSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTS CALL ...
This newly revised book provides a strong foundation in the essential math processes that are employed by health occupations workers in all areas of health care.
While the fundamentals of mathematics are foundational to this book, their application to health care is emphasized. Drug dosages, intake and output, weights and measures, temperatures, IV drip rates, and conversions are a focus.
Learn at your own pace with this easy to use math text specifically for the health sciences. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Spiral bound format with plenty of white space allows you to use the text as a workbook in which you can write your answers and work out problems. Consistent chapter formats make it easy to retain information and identify important content.
—Bruce J. Colbert I dedicate this book to my family, as well as to my former teachers, students, and friends, from whom I have learned much. —JeffAnkney To my wife Theresa, for her 32 years of love and support; my children, Kim, Chris, ...
This entry-level text can help any learner successfully master the basic math skills needed in today's health professions. This edition's fresh, open, full-color design includes far more white space for...
... 158–160 stacked 94–95 Batson, M. 235 Begg, C. 433 Bell, B.G. 309, 326 Belsky, J. 309, 326 between-groups research ... 300, 411 Pearson 293, 300 X2 goodness-of-fit test 298–300 in SPSS 300–301 chi-square test 8, 411, 488–489 Chronic ...
reactions. As you do your initial patient assessment, you ask about medication allergies (see the preceding section). Patients often give you lists that include pain medications like codeine or dextropropoxyphene (Darvocet).