MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES, Eleventh Edition, explains how successful companies manage human resources in order to compete effectively in a dynamic, global environment. Long known and respected as a tightly integrated, clear, higher-level text, MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES, Eleventh Edition, presents strong organizing themes: teams, diversity, global issues, corporate social responsibility/ethics/sustainability, and metrics/analytics. These themes are highlighted in interesting boxed features throughout the eleventh edition. The text also follows an organizational structure that emphasizes the HR Triad (employee, line manager, HR manager) with the understanding that effective human resource management requires mutual understanding and collaboration among HR professionals, managers, and all other employees. New to the eleventh edition is an emphasis on preparation for the PHR/SPHR certification exam. Because organizations differ from each other in so many ways--including their locations, competitive strategies, products and services, and corporate cultures--these experienced authors use many different companies to illustrate how employers address the challenge of managing human resources effectively. This new edition includes examples of companies in many different industries, sizes, and countries. The authors selected these organizations because they successfully combine a respect for established principles of human resource management with a willingness to experiment and try new approaches, allowing them to succeed year after year. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Arup Varma, Richard W. Beatty, Craig Eric Schneier, and David O. Ulrich, “High Performance Work Systems: Exciting Discovery or Passing Fad?” Human Resource Planning 22, no. 1 (1999): 26–37; Martha Gephart and Mark Van Buren,“Power of ...
This revised edition is a comprehensive, authoritative set of essays. It is more detailed and analytical than the mainstream treatments of HRM.
The approach used in this text makes human resources relevant to anyone who has to deal with HR issues in the workplace, even those who do not hold the title of manager.
Wayne Cascio's Managing Human Resources, 7/e, is perfect for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people.
This new and thoroughly revised edition of the best sellingPersonnel Management text by Stephen Bach provides anauthoritative analysis of the latest developments in the field forstudents and professionals. new chapters reflect the ...
"The 18th edition ... will place your students at the forefront of understanding how organizations can gain a sustainable competitive advantage through people."--Preface
This market-leading text takes a pragmatic approach emphasizing the strategic role of human resources.
This book explores all the key aspects of human resource management in the shipping industry and how they specifically relate to the shipping workforce.
The text builds on a foundation of research and theory but also provides a practical framework focusing on critical issues and successful practices.
MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES THROUGH STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS is a tightly integrated, higher-level text with strong organizing themes: strategy, teams, diversity, global issues, and change. These themes are highlighted in boxed features...