The seventh edition of this superb lab manual offers 36 class-tested experiments, suitable for introductory, preparatory, and health science chemistry courses and texts, including INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: AN ACTIVE LEARNING APPROACH, Fourth Edition by Cracolice and Peters. Experiments in this lab manual teach students to collect and analyze experimental data and provide them with a strong foundation for further course work in general chemistry. This edition offers instructors a wide variety of experiments to customize their laboratory program, including many microscale experiments. All experiments can be completed in a three-hour laboratory period. As in the Sixth Edition, there are Work Pages for each experiment as well as Report Sheets for students to take notes and record experimental data and results, which facilitate instructor grading of experiments. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Introduction to Chemical Principles
Introduction to Chemical Principles
Introduction to Chemical Principles
Introduction to Chemistry & Basic Chemistry Principles
This laboratory manual provides a detailed chemical overview that enables students to truly understand the function of the laboratory.
Introduction to Chemical Principles
Introduction to Chemical Principles
A general chemistry textbook.
Laboratory Experiments to Accompany Introduction to Chemical Principles by H. Stephen Stoker
This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.