WESTERN CIVILIZATION, Tenth Edition, maintains a firm grounding in political history, while covering intellectual history (particularly the significance of ideas and contributions) to greater and deeper extent than any other text for the course. Known for its accessible writing style, this text appeals to students and instructors alike for its brevity, clarity, and careful selection of content including its enhanced focus on religion and philosophy. Updated with more recent scholarship, the Tenth edition retains many popular features, including comparative timelines, full-color art essays, profiles, and primary source excerpts in each chapter. New technology resources, including CourseMate with interactive eBook, make learning more engaging and instruction more efficient. Available in the following options: WESTERN CIVILIZATION: IDEAS, POLITICS, AND SOCIETY, Tenth Edition (Chapters 1-33); Volume I: To 1789 (Chapters 1-18); Volume II: From the 1600s (Chapters 16-33); From the 1400s (Chapters 13-33). Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Excerpted in Philip G. Dwyer and Peter McPhee, The French Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional ...
Western Civilization Since 1400 7th Edition Plus Perry Sources Western Tradition Volume 2 6th Edition
Western Civilization Since 1400, Outlines & Highlights
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics and Society (Since 1400)
Western Civilization Since 1400 7th Edition Plus Sources of the Western Tradition Volume 2 6th Edition
Western Civilization Since 1400 7th Edition Plus History Handbook
Western Civilization Since 1400 with Atlas Ideas, Politics and Society
745 Riehl , Wilhelm von , 628 Rights of Man , The ( Paine ) , 551 Riis , Jacob , 663 ( illus . ) Risorgimento , 614 Ritchie , D. G. , 603-604 Rite of Spring , The ( Stravinsky ) , 711 Road to Wigan Pier , The ( Orwell ) , 814 Robber ...
Western Civilization Since 1400 7th Edition Plus Wiesner Discovering Western Past Volume 2 5th Edition Plus Atlas Plus Student Resource...
Western Civilization Since 1400 7th Edition Plus Perry Sources Voulume 2 5th Edition Plus Berkin History Handbook Plus Atlas