Balancing theory with application and featuring an exciting full-color design and an engaging, student-friendly writing style, COMPARATIVE POLITICS, 8E, International Edition uses a unique theme--Domestic Responses to Global Challenges--to introduce key concepts and examine the growing interdependence of strong and weak states. COMPARATIVE POLITICS, 8E, International Edition takes an in-depth look at eleven countries and the European Union, framed within broader discussions in the part-opening chapters on Industrialized Democracies, Communist Regimes, and Less Developed Countries. Four additional countries are available as online chapters or in a custom print solution: Brazil, Canada, Japan, and South Africa. The introduction establishes a comparative structure based on five themes: conflict, democratization, economic liberalization, globalization, and challenges, which are then explored for each country. The countries discussed are categorized by economic development, helping students hone their skills of comparison, synthesis, and interpretation by studying countries of similar economic status. With this uniquely effective text, students can gain an understanding of important political trends and concepts, an exposure to politics in a number of countries, and a desire to dig more deeply into the fascinating field of comparative politics.
The text is available with a corresponding casebook of 13 country studies and a corresponding reader; the three components can be used individually or in any combination.
Organized thematically around important questions in comparative politics—who rules? what explains political behavior? where and why?—Introducing Comparative Politics, Fifth Edition by Stephen Orvis and Carol Ann Drogus, integrates a ...
"Comparative Politics" provides a comprehensive introduction to political systems around the world. It covers methods and theories; the nation-state; institutions; actors and processes; policies; and recent changes.
This accessible introduction to comparative politics offers a fresh, state-centered perspective on the fundamentals of political science.
All go beyond reporting and monitoring to develop explanations that draw on the authors' expertise while engaging in structured conversations across the book.
Comparative Politics: Critical Concepts in Political Science
Goldberg, S. (1993) Why Men Rule. Chicago: Open Court. Goldstone, J.A. (1991) Revolution ... Granovetter, M.S. (1985) 'Economic action and social structure: the problem of embeddedness', American Journal of Sociology, 91 (3): 481–510.
Norris, P. (2004) Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behaviour. ... Pagano, M. (2007) 'The dynamics of federalism in national and supranational political systems', in M. Pagano and R. Leonardi (eds), The Dynamics of ...
The book's organization allows you to teach the course the way you want to teach it.
Based on OÕNeil, Fields, and ShareÕs market-leading textbook and casebook, Cases and Concepts in Comparative Politics: An Integrated Approach integrates concepts and cases in one volume.