Earlier eds. published under title: Abnormal psychology.
Clinical Psychiatry: By Eliot Slater and Martin Roth
Models of Causality in Psychopathology: Toward Dynamic, Synthetic, and Nonlinear Models of Behavior Disorders
Additional support for the connection between flow and mindfulness appears in a study by Moore (2013) on the relationship between mindfulness, cognitive flexibility, and increasing experiences offlow. Moore describes cognitive ...
A mainstream text with a contemporary twist, this introduction is designed to make the material in this field accessible to students in a changing world.
Abnormal Psychology 97/98
Also available with MyPsychLab® This title is also available with MyPsychLab -- an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
Smoke and Mirrors: A Review of the Literature on Smoking and Mental Illness
Guillemin R , Vargo T , Rossier J , Minick S , Ling N , Rivier C , Vale W , Bloom F ( 1977 ) B - endorphin and ... Eipper BA , Mains RE ( 1981 ) Further analysis of post - translational processing of B - endorphin in rat intermediate ...
... C. , 107 Heagarty , M. , 409 Heard , H. L. , 150 Heath , A. C. , 194 , 287 Heatherton , T. F. , 427 Hedley , L. M. , 175 Heebink , D. M. , 431 Heffner , C. L. , 440 Heijtmajer Jansen , O. , 229 Heikkinen , M. E. , 300 Heim ...