Enables readers to apply transport phenomena principles to solve advanced problems in all areas of engineering and science This book helps readers elevate their understanding of, and their ability to apply, transport phenomena by introducing a broad range of advanced topics as well as analytical and numerical solution techniques. Readers gain the ability to solve complex problems generally not addressed in undergraduate-level courses, including nonlinear, multidimensional transport, and transient molecular and convective transport scenarios. Avoiding rote memorization, the author emphasizes a dual approach to learning in which physical understanding and problem-solving capability are developed simultaneously. Moreover, the author builds both readers' interest and knowledge by: Demonstrating that transport phenomena are pervasive, affecting every aspect of life Offering historical perspectives to enhance readers' understanding of current theory and methods Providing numerous examples drawn from a broad range of fields in the physical and life sciences and engineering Contextualizing problems in scenarios so that their rationale and significance are clear This text generally avoids the use of commercial software for problem solutions, helping readers cultivate a deeper understanding of how solutions are developed. References throughout the text promote further study and encourage the student to contemplate additional topics in transport phenomena. Transport Phenomena is written for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in chemical and mechanical engineering. Upon mastering the principles and techniques presented in this text, all readers will be better able to critically evaluate a broad range of physical phenomena, processes, and systems across many disciplines.
Transport Phenomena Problem Solver: Momentum, Energy, Mass
Fluid Mechanics and Convective Transport Processes L. Gary Leal ... G. M. Homsy, H. Aref, K. S. Breuer, S. Hochgreb, J. R. Koseff, B. R. Munson, K. G. Powell, C. R. Robertson, and S. T. Thoroddsen, "Multi-Media Fluid Mechanics," CD-ROM, ...
Haines (1930; Miller and Miller 1956; Melrose 1965; Heller 1968) observed that an interface advances through an irregular pore in a series of jumps. Heller (1968) used highspeed photography to follow the Haines jumps executed by ...
Ashare, E., R. B. Bird, and J. A. Lescarboura (1965). Falling cylinder viscometer for non-Newtonian fluids. AIChE J., 11, 910–916. ... Batchelor, G. K. (1959). The Theory of Homogeneous Turbulence. London: Cambridge University Press.
* Transport phenomena: Fundamental concepts and problem solving * Transport phenomena: basic principles and laws * Molecular and convective transport * Similarity analysis, transfer coefficients, and other key concepts *...
Subsequent chapters detail the application of inventory rate equations at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. This book is intended as an undergraduate textbook for an introductory Transport Phenomena course in the junior year.
Provides theory and knowledge from present research on heat transfer and fluid behavior, with ample examples of practical applications to materials processing and engineering.
The authors’ goal in writing this book reflects topics covered in an undergraduate course. Some of the rigorous topics suitable for the advanced students have been retained.
This book presents the foundations of fluid mechanics and transport phenomena in a concise way.
This edition incorporates a wider range of problems to expand the utility of the text beyond chemical engineering. The text is divided into two parts, which can be used for teaching a two-term course.