An excellent primer on the key concepts of psychometrics Essentials of Psychological Testing surveys the basic principles of psychometrics, supplies the information needed to understand and evaluate tests, and introduces readers to the major contemporary reference works in the field. It is the only book to provide such a thorough and up-to-date overview of psychometrics in an engaging, accessible format. As part of the Essentials of Behavioral Science series, this book offers an overview of the most relevant psychometric concepts and techniques that provides the foundation necessary for knowledgeable, informed practice. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as "Test Yourself" questions that help to gauge and reinforce readers' grasp of the information covered. Starting with a basic introduction to psychological tests, their historical development, and their uses, Essentials of Psychological Testing also covers the statistical procedures most frequently used in testing, the frames of reference for score interpretation, reliability, validity, and test item considerations, as well as guidelines for test selection, administration, scoring, and reporting test results. Whether as an orientation for those new to the field, a refresher for those already acquainted with it, or as a reference for seasoned clinicians, Essentials of Psychological Testing is an invaluable resource on the fundamentals of this evolving area of practice.
Schopp, L., Johnstone, B., & Merrell, D. (2000). Telehealth and neuropsychological assessment: New opportunities for psychologists. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 31(2), 179–183. Schrank, F. A., Mather, N., & McGrew, ...
An invaluable resource for practitioners, this book: Offers practical advice on supervising a wide range of clinical psychological assessments Includes contributions from experts in their respective subfields Provides guidance on ...
Haley, R. W., Kurt, T. L., & Hom, J. (1997). Is there a Gulf War syndrome? Searching for syndromes by factor analysis of ... Moran, P. W., & Lambert, M.J. (1983). A review of current assessment tools for monitoring change in depression.
The comprehensive reference for informative WISC-V assessment Essentials of WISC-V Assessmentprovides step-by-step guidance for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V). Packed with ...
This book seeks to answer all your key questions, including: For employers, recruiting consultancies and agencies: - What are the benefits of using psychological testing for your organisation?
New York, NY: W. W. Norton. Packer, L. E., & Pruitt, S. K. (2010). Challenging kids, challenged teachers. Woodbine House. Pearson (2009). Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Third Edition (WlAT-lll). San Antonio, TX: Pearson.
This report critically reviews selected psychological tests, including symptom validity tests, that could contribute to SSA disability determinations.
... R. K., 142, 457, 458 Hellervik, L. V., 432 (figure) Hellstrom, A., 471 Helmstadter, G. C., 250 (box) Heneman, H. G., III, 417 Heneman, R. L., 417 Henley, T. B., 12 (box), 13 Herrick, V. E., 45 Herrmann, D. J., 257 (box) Herrnstein, ...
Unlike most guides to assessment, this book addresses thecritical steps that follow administration, scoring, andinterpretation—namely the integration of the data into afully conceptualized report.
Throughout the book, Pfeiffer equips school psychologists with the tools they need to: Identify and assess uniquely bright and talented students Integrate multiple assessment measures including intelligence, cognitive ability, and ...