Network Security For Dummies

Network Security For Dummies
John Wiley & Sons
Chey Cobb


CNN is reporting that a vicious new virus is wreaking havoc on theworld’s computer networks. Somebody’s hacked one ofyour favorite Web sites and stolen thousands of credit cardnumbers. The FBI just released a new report on computer crimethat’s got you shaking in your boots. The experts will tellyou that keeping your network safe from the cyber-wolves howlingafter your assets is complicated, expensive, and best left to them.But the truth is, anybody with a working knowledge of networks andcomputers can do just about everything necessary to defend theirnetwork against most security threats. Network Security For Dummies arms you with quick, easy,low-cost solutions to all your network security concerns. Whetheryour network consists of one computer with a high-speed Internetconnection or hundreds of workstations distributed across dozens oflocations, you’ll find what you need to confidently: Identify your network’s security weaknesses Install an intrusion detection system Use simple, economical techniques to secure your data Defend against viruses Keep hackers at bay Plug security holes in individual applications Build a secure network from scratch Leading national expert Chey Cobb fills you in on the basics ofdata security, and he explains more complex options you can use tokeep your network safe as your grow your business. Among otherthings, you’ll explore: Developing risk assessments and security plans Choosing controls without breaking the bank Anti-virus software, firewalls, intrusion detection systems andaccess controls Addressing Unix, Windows and Mac security issues Patching holes in email, databases, Windows Media Player,NetMeeting, AOL Instant Messenger, and other individualapplications Securing a wireless network E-Commerce security Incident response and disaster recovery Whether you run a storefront tax preparing business oryou’re the network administrator at a multinationalaccounting giant, your computer assets are your business. LetNetwork Security For Dummies provide you with provenstrategies and techniques for keeping your precious assetssafe.

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