Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism

Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism
Family & Relationships
John Wiley & Sons
Diane M. Kennedy, Rebecca S. Banks


The future of our society depends on our gifted children—thepopulation in which we’ll find our next Isaac Newton, AlbertEinstein, or Virginia Woolf. Yet the gifts and talents ofsome of our most brilliant kids may never be recognized becausethese children fall into a group known as twice exceptional, or“2e.” Twice exceptional kids are both gifted anddiagnosed with a disability—often ADHD or an Autism SpectrumDisorder—leading teachers and parents to overlook thechild’s talents and focus solely on his weaknesses. Toooften, these children get lost in an endless cycle of chasingdiagnostic labels and are never given the tools to fully realizetheir own potential. Bright Not Broken sheds new light on this vibrant population byidentifying who twice exceptional children are and taking anunflinching look at why they’re stuck. The first workto boldly examine the widespread misdiagnosis and controversiesthat arise from our current diagnostic system, it serves as awake-up call for parents and professionals to question why ourmental health and education systems are failing our brightestchildren. Most importantly, the authors show what we can do to help 2echildren, providing a whole child model for parents and educatorsto strengthen and develop a child’s innate gifts while alsointervening to support the deficits. Drawing on painstakingresearch and personal experience, Bright Not Broken offersgroundbreaking insight and practical strategies to those seeking tohelp 2e kids achieve their full potential. Diane M. Kennedy, author of The ADHD-Autism Connection, is a longtime advocate, international speaker/trainer, and mother of threetwice-exceptional sons. Rebecca S. Banks, M.A., co-author of The ADHD-Autism Connection, isa veteran educator, national speaker/trainer, and mother of twotwice-exceptional children. Temple Grandin, Ph.D., is a professor, prolific author, and one ofthe most accomplished and renowned adults with autism in the world.

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