Statistics for Earth and Environmental Scientists

Statistics for Earth and Environmental Scientists
John Wiley & Sons
John H. Schuenemeyer, Lawrence J. Drew


A comprehensive treatment of statistical applications for solvingreal-world environmental problems A host of complex problems face today's earth science community,such as evaluating the supply of remaining non-renewable energyresources, assessing the impact of people on the environment,understanding climate change, and managing the use of water. Propercollection and analysis of data using statistical techniquescontributes significantly toward the solution of these problems.Statistics for Earth and Environmental Scientists presentsimportant statistical concepts through data analytic tools andshows readers how to apply them to real-world problems. The authors present several different statistical approaches tothe environmental sciences, including Bayesian and nonparametricmethodologies. The book begins with an introduction to types ofdata, evaluation of data, modeling and estimation, randomvariation, and sampling—all of which are explored throughcase studies that use real data from earth science applications.Subsequent chapters focus on principles of modeling and the keymethods and techniques for analyzing scientific data,including: Interval estimation and Methods for analyzinghypothesis testingof means time series data Spatial statistics Multivariate analysis Discrete distributions Experimental design Most statistical models are introduced by concept andapplication, given as equations, and then accompanied by heuristicjustification rather than a formal proof. Data analysis, modelbuilding, and statistical inference are stressed throughout, andreaders are encouraged to collect their own data to incorporateinto the exercises at the end of each chapter. Most data sets,graphs, and analyses are computed using R, but can be worked withusing any statistical computing software. A related websitefeatures additional data sets, answers to selected exercises, and Rcode for the book's examples. Statistics for Earth and Environmental Scientists is anexcellent book for courses on quantitative methods in geology,geography, natural resources, and environmental sciences at theupper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuablereference for earth scientists, geologists, hydrologists, andenvironmental statisticians who collect and analyze data in theireveryday work.

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