Managing Risks in Commercial and Retail Banking

Managing Risks in Commercial and Retail Banking
Business & Economics
John Wiley & Sons
Amalendu Ghosh


A practical guide to the practices and procedures of effectivelymanaging banking risks Managing Risks in Commercial and Retail Banking takes anin-depth, logical look at dealing with all aspects of riskmanagement within the banking sector. It presents complex processesin a simplified way by providing real-life situations andexamples. The book examines all dimensions of the risks that banksface—both the financial risks—credit, market, andoperational—and the non-financial risks—moneylaundering, information technology, business strategy, legal, andreputational. Focusing on methods and models for identifying,measuring, monitoring, and controlling risks, it provides practicaladvice backed up by solid theories, without resorting to the use ofcomplicated mathematical and statistical formulas. Author Amalendu Ghosh exposes topics that are usually absent inbooks on managing banking risk—such as design of controlframework, risk management architecture, credit risk rating,risk-based loan pricing, portfolio analysis, business continuityplanning, and corporate governance. Author has extensive experience with a variety of major banksand institutions worldwide and brings a fresh perspective in thewake of the global finance crisis Presents a novel approach using models of the credit riskrating of different types of borrowers, the methodology forassigning weights for deriving the rating, and the scoringprocess Covers the essentials of corporate governance and options forcredit risk assessment in line with the recommendations made in theNew Basel Capital Accord Explains the methodology of risk-based internal audit,including techniques to enable bank branches to switch over fromthe old transaction-based audit methods With its logical sequence of the aspects of risk management, thebook's layout is ideal for presentations, making it a handy toolfor risk management training

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