Juvenile Justice: Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice

Juvenile Justice: Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice
Juvenile Justice
Political Science
John Wiley & Sons
Francine Jacobs, Francine Sherman


"The lessons in this book remind us that we can—and that wemust—do better, for the sake of our children, their futures,and the sake of our nation. . . . This volume is a call to action,and I encourage everyone who reads it to take steps to ensure thatall America's children are given an equal chance to succeed. Wemust all work together to replace the cradle-to-prison pipelinewith a pipeline to responsible, productive adulthood." —Fromthe Foreword by Marian Wright Edelman, JD, President and founder,Children's Defense Fund, Washington, DC "Juvenile Justice: Advancing Research, Policy, and Practiceappears at a critical time, when promising juvenile justice reformsare underway in so many jurisdictions across the United States.Sherman and Jacobs, and their impressive array of expert authors,fill a significant gap in the literature, making the current bodyof juvenile justice research and experience accessible to policymakers, researchers, and funders, and doing so through a practicaland positive lens." —Patrick McCarthy, President and ChiefExecutive Officer, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, MD "Most people have narrow views of what it means to be adelinquent youth. In Juvenile Justice: Advancing Research, Policy,and Practice, Sherman and Jacobs have diligently collected essaysfrom the top experts in the juvenile justice field who tell anempirically based and powerful narrative of who is really in thedelinquency system. As this book makes clear, until we ask andanswer the right questions, we will remain unable to help the youthmost in need." —Alexander Busansky, President, The NationalCouncil on Crime and Delinquency, Oakland, CA A comprehensive reference presenting a rehabilitative, youth-and community-centered vision of juvenile justice Juvenile Justice: Advancing Research, Policy, and Practicebrings together experts in juvenile justice, child development, andpublic health to explore the intersections between juvenile justiceand needed development of programs and policies that look out forthe health and well-being of the youth who enter this system. Thistimely book provides a usable framework for imagining juvenilejustice systems that emphasize the welfare of juveniles, achievedprimarily through connections within their communities. A must-read for professionals working in juvenile courts andwithin juvenile justice agencies, Juvenile Justice: AdvancingResearch, Policy, and Practice reflects both the considerableadvances and the challenges currently evident in the juvenilejustice system, with an emphasis on the development andimplementation of policies that can succeed in building a newgeneration of educated young people able to embrace their potentialand build successful futures.

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    Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Retrieved from www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0777958.html In re Gault, 387 U.S. 1, 87 S. Ct. 1428 (1967). In re George T., 2002 N.Y. Int. 0161 (2002). In re Holmes, 379 Pa. 599, 109 A 2d.