This thoroughly revised and updated third edition of TheEthics Challenge in Public Service is the classic ethics textused in public management programs nationwide. The book serves as avaluable resource for public managers who work in a world thatpresents numerous ethical challenges every day. It is filled with awealth of practical tools and strategies that public managers canuse when making ethical choices in the ambiguous and pressuredworld of public service. The book also contains new material ontopics such as social networking, the use of apology, ethics asapplied to public policy, working with elected officials, andmore. "The Ethics Challenge in Public Service, now in its thirdedition, continues to be simply indispensable for teaching publicservice ethics. Thoroughly updated to encompass the latestdevelopments in the field, this new edition adds both a companionwebsite and an instructor's website, further enhancing its valuefor both students and faculty." —Guy B. Adams, Harry S. Truman School of PublicAffairs, University of Missouri "If you want to know about ethical decision making in publicservice, this is the book to read." —Patricia J. Harned, president, Ethics ResourceCenter "This book cuts through the rhetoric and the partisanship rightto the heart of ethics in the public service; here is a smoothblend of how and why." —Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Woman's Hospital DistinguishedProfessor of Healthcare Management, John W. Dupuy EndowedProfessor, Louisiana State University
Moloney, P. (2011, April 2). Comments. Philosophy on the Mesa. Retrieved from Mooney, C. (2011, April 18). The science of why we don't believe in science.
The Ethics of Public Administration: The Challenges of Global Governance provides an exploratory introduction to the history and trends of major ethical cultures around the globe.
“Ethical Governance in Local Government in England: A Regulator's View.” Paper presented at the Ethics and Integrity of Governance: The First Transatlantic Dialogue, Leuven, Belgium, 2–5 June. Ferrieux-Patterson, M. N. 2003.
The book takes a universal approach to ethics reflecting the world-wide impact of public service reforms and also includes discussions on how these reforms impact traditional vales and principles of public services.
This book contains twenty in-depth case studies that describe and discuss actual events that presented ethical and other challenges in public management.
This concise text is a reader friendly primer to the fundamentals of administrative responsibility and ethics.
This breezy, story-filled guide to becoming a more ethical person explains why ethical behavior is a winning strategy, then lays out six things everyone can do to keep strong and to follow their good intentions.
Winner of the 2021 “Best Book Award” from the Academy of Management Division of Public and Nonprofit Management! “Rosemary O’Leary’s The Ethics of Dissent offers a novel take on rule breakers and whistle-blowers in the federal ...
demand quick and authoritative decisions in ways that put crisis managers in a highly visible, contentious, ... that leaders need to do to successfully engage in crisis management in a highly integrated and massively complex world, ...
"Denhard presents a sensible organizational framework that includes (a) the individual administrator and the organizational context; (b) the distinction between process and content ethics, and (c) the dichotomy between deotological and ...