Dragons and Tigers: A Geography of South, East, and Southeast Asia, Third Edition is the only book that covers all three regions South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. It is the most comprehensive book on the market for a Geography of Asia course. It contains updated and additional maps covering distribution of religions, physical features, linguistic and religious pluralism in Southeast Asia, and more. Using a cross-disciplinary approach, the author discusses evolving physical and cultural landscapes. New to this edition is added content coverage on the impact of globalization, environmental issues, recent environmental disasters and their effects on the region, the recent global economic crisis, migration and urbanization, gender and child welfare issues, religious conflict, agribusiness and sustainability and new patterns of trade.
Dragons and Tigers: A Geography of South, East, and Southeast Asia, 2nd Edition with World Atlas 21st Edition Set
Dragons and Tigers: A Geography of South East and Southeast Asia 2nd Edition with World Atlas 21st Edition and Atlas...
Dragons and Tigers: A Geography of South, East, and Southeast Asia 2nd Edition with National Geographic Atlas of the World...
Dragons and Tigers a Geography of South, East, and Sou Theast Asia with Goode's Atlas Set
Like other titles in the 10-volume Modern World Cultures set, Southeast Asia, Second Edition explores the geographical features, climate, and ecosystems; population, settlement, and culture; and the history and economy of the region at hand ...
An invaluable guide to the region, this lucid work will be an essential text for courses on Southeast Asia and on the international relations of the Asia-Pacific.
Like other titles in the 10-volume Modern World Cultures set, East Asia, Second Edition explores the geographical features, climate, and ecosystems; population, settlement, and culture; and the history and economy of the region at hand.
These questions have nicely been put forwarded by Knox and Pinch (2010: 1): Why do city populations get sifted out according to race and social class to produce distinctive neighbourhoods? What are the processes responsible for this ...
The French king's power over the legislature eventually sparked the French Revolution in 1789. Absolutist doctrine found its purest expression in the famous declaration by the French king Louis XIV (r. 1643–1715): “I am the state.
This book explores conditions, events, problems and trends of the Asian region and its individual nations. Using a cross disciplinary approach, the author discusses evolving physical and cultural landscapes. Nature-society...