The God Debates presents a comprehensive, non-technicalsurvey of the quest for knowledge of God, allowing readers toparticipate in a debate about the existence of God and gainunderstanding and appreciation of religion?s conceptualfoundations. Explains key arguments for and against God's existence in clearways for readers at all levels Brings theological debates up to the present with current ideasfrom modernism, postmodernism, fideism, evidentialism,presuppositionalism, and mysticism Updates criticism of theology by dealing with the latest termsof the God debates instead of outdated caricatures of religion Helps nonbelievers to learn important theological standpointswhile noting their shortcomings Encourages believers and nonbelievers to enjoy informeddialogue with each other Concludes with an overview of religious and nonreligiousworldviews and predictions about the future of faith andreason
Scholars in the aforementioned fields then respond to the debate, representing both theistic and atheistic positions. The book concludes with rejoinders from Craig and Rosenberg.
This volume offers groundbreaking dialogue by many of the most prominent scholars in the field in a definitive treatment of central issues in theism and Christian faith.
Two eminent scholars, each expert in his own tradition, take Jewish-Christian dialogue to a new level. Aiming at neither mere description nor conversion, each presents the classical elements of his...
Willem B. Drees considers contemporary discussions of these issues in Europe and North America, using examples from Christianity and religious naturalism, and reflections on Islam and Tibetan Buddhism.
Note that, given the key tenets of my naturalism, it is standardly not the case that there are other agents who have direct causal responsibility for our beliefs ... Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; Holton, R. (2009) Willing, Wanting, Waiting.
The Evidential Argument from Evil (Indiana University Press, 2008), in particular William P. Alston's 'The Inductive Argument ... (2004); Pascal Boyer's Religion Eaplained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought (Basic Books, ...
I presented the teleological argument using Dembski's analysis of design inferences. But an approach using the probability calculus is feasible as well. As Collins frames the argument, one compares the conditional probability of ...
The key, author James Lindsay argues, is to stop that particular conversation.
A former preacher tell why he abandoned the guidance of the Bible to follow the dictates of own conscience.
Johnson, Elizabeth A. She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse. New York: Herder & Herder, 1993. Jones, Serene. Feminist Theory and Christian Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2000.