A practical guidebook to managing a stellar staff of high-achievers The Best Damn Management Book Ever teaches managers, executives, and business owners how to create a staff of self-motivated, confident, high-achieving, self-starters. Acclaimed author of The Best Damn Sales Book Ever, Warren Greshes draws from years of experience to offer practical, easy-to-implement steps explained through entertaining, informative real-life stories. Learn to communicate more effectively with the people who report to you. The Best Damn Management Book Ever delivers actionable advice to hone your leadership skills. Install the self-starting generator in your people, enabling them to perform at a high level whether you're there or not Gain insight and determine each employee's "Hot Buttons" and motivators Correctly manage the three distinct groups that comprise every organization Delegate more effectively Use your time as a manager, executive, and business owner more efficiently Become the best damn leader your staff needs to achieve their goals and blow away the competition.
... management duties. If there is no dollar figure in the property's financials for this expense, find out what the going rate is to hire someone and put that figure in your budget. Property management is discussed in detail in Chapter 13 ...
The slogan on board became "It's your ship," and Benfold was soon recognized far and wide as a model of naval efficiency. How did Abrashoff do it?
Compiled from the best of the Syngress and Butterworth Heinemann libraries and authored by business continuity expert Susan Snedaker, this volume is an indispensable addition to a serious security professional's toolkit. * An all ...
This book is a must-read for those new to sales and those veteran salespeople who want to take their skills to the next level.
For example, the Ping of Death attack targets ICMP (ping), and if it reaches a vulnerable host, it will crash, causing a DOS. Though other protocols exist within this layer (ARP, RARP, RIP, OSPF), SmartDefense only provides protections ...
... encrypted credit card numbers INSERT INTO Customers Values('Michael', 'Smith', EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('SymmetricKey02'), '45187328943209423') ) INSERT INTO Customers Values('Sean', 'Malone', EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('SymmetricKey02'), ...
Howard B. Rutstein. The Best Damn Book About The Profession Of $elling ... Period! management, etc. Intangible - in a selling context this describes, or is, an aspect of the product or service offering that has a value but is difficult ...
As the new superintendent , Ward had known all eyes would be on him for clues as to the kind of boss he would be . ... When Ward Clapham went to Strathmore in the fall of 1996 , he was promoted to staff sergeant leading a team of ...
She is in charge of information security at CACR, which includes every aspect of information security including ... books on subjects such as the Windows 2000 MCSE exams, the CompTIA Security+ exam, and TruSecure's ICSA certification.
Swanson, Marianne, Pauline Bowen, Amy Wohl Phillips, Dean Gallup, and David Lynes. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-34 Revision 1 (NIST SP 800-34 Rev 1). “Contingency Planning Guide for Federal ...