For centuries, the major poweres of the West were seduced by theallure of the countries of "the Far East". Spices, textiles, silkand tea were the staples of East- West trade. But competitionbetween Western traders eventually caused military intervention inAsian affairs and the establishment of colonial empires. Theseactions have shapred the history of mankind and left a legacy thatstill reverberates throughout Asia. Western Power in Asia is a unique contribution to theunderstanding of present- day Asia. Essential reading for anyoneinterested in world history, Arthur Cotterell offers fascinatinginsights into five hundred extraordinary years of power andinfluence by the West, which disappeared spectacularly after theSecond World War. The author's ability to tell both sides of thestory, with the aid of contemporary illustrations as well asquotations, makes this book a tremendous resource for students ofAsian history. And because the entire colonial experience iscovered for the first time within a single volume, Western Powerin Asia also provides the general reader with an unusual andinvaluable perspective on East- West relations. As countries such as China and India become key players on theworld stage, Western Power in Asia provides a timelyreminder of the path that led to their present positions, whileallowing a poignant opportunity to reflect on how they might infuture treat their Western trading partners.
How will Asia--its vast population, its swirling politics, its recently challenged economics--change our world? Few Western political figures can answer that question as well as Christopher Patten. For five years,...
Focusing on the role of the "tribute system" in maintaining stability in East Asia and fostering diplomatic and commercial exchange, Kang contrasts this history against the example of Europe and the East Asian states' skirmishes with ...
The essays encompass a wide range of recent scholarship, including cultural, economic, demographic, and intellectual approaches to military and diplomatic themes.
Peter Duus, in his chapter on the origins of Meiji imperialism, offers the best explanation currently available; The Abacus and the Sword: The Japanese Penetration of Korea, 1895–1910 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995), ...
This book undertakes the task of elucidating the complex and little-known history of the West's involvement in the Asia-Pacifi c, providing context critical to understanding contemporary developments.
By April 1994, Thompson's friends in the South China Sea Institute ofOceanography were ready to go. The institute had been given the funding and the green light from Beijing to undertake a new round of seismic survey work in the ...
This is history written from within - and there could be no better interpreter of Japan to the West than this most distinguished of historians, who, himself Japanese, has long lived and taught in the United States.
Concisely written and filled with historical anecdotes, this authoritative volume is presented in three parts, covering both mainland and maritime Southeast Asia
Wells of Power: The Oilfields of South-western Asia : a Regional and Global Study
... Beinart , Peter , 197 tion ) , 164 ; Auckland meeting ( Septem- Bello , Walden , 30 , 155 , 195 ber 1999 ) of , 196 Benedict , Ruth , 59 Article 9 , 69 , 81 Berger , Peter , 113 Asia , other , 195 , 202 Berger , Samuel , 174 , 179 ...