Common Errors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them)

Common Errors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them)
John Wiley & Sons
James W. Hardin, Phillip I. Good


Praise for the Second Edition "All statistics students and teachers will find in this book afriendly and intelligentguide to . . . applied statistics inpractice." —Journal of Applied Statistics ". . . a very engaging and valuable book for all who usestatistics in any setting." —CHOICE ". . . a concise guide to the basics of statistics, replete withexamples . . . a valuablereference for more advanced statisticiansas well." —MAA Reviews Now in its Third Edition, the highly readable CommonErrors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them) continues to serveas a thorough and straightforward discussion of basic statisticalmethods, presentations, approaches, and modeling techniques.Further enriched with new examples and counterexamples from thelatest research as well as added coverage of relevant topics, thisnew edition of the benchmark book addresses popular mistakes oftenmade in data collection and provides an indispensable guide toaccurate statistical analysis and reporting. The authors' emphasison careful practice, combined with a focus on the development ofsolutions, reveals the true value of statistics when appliedcorrectly in any area of research. The Third Edition has been considerably expanded andrevised to include: A new chapter on data quality assessment A new chapter on correlated data An expanded chapter on data analysis covering categorical andordinal data, continuous measurements, and time-to-event data,including sections on factorial and crossover designs Revamped exercises with a stronger emphasis on solutions An extended chapter on report preparation New sections on factor analysis as well as Poisson and negativebinomial regression Providing valuable, up-to-date information in the sameuser-friendly format as its predecessor, Common Errors inStatistics (and How to Avoid Them), Third Edition is anexcellent book for students and professionals in industry,government, medicine, and the social sciences.

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