The 10th edition of Halliday, Resnick and Walkers Fundamentals of Physics provides the perfect solution for teaching a 2 or 3 semester calculus-based physics course, providing instructors with a tool by which they can teach students how to effectively read scientific material, identify fundamental concepts, reason through scientific questions, and solve quantitative problems. The 10th edition builds upon previous editions by offering new features designed to better engage students and support critical thinking. These include NEW Video Illustrations that bring the subject matter to life, NEW Vector Drawing Questions that test students conceptual understanding, and additional multimedia resources (videos and animations) that provide an alternative pathway through the material for those who struggle with reading scientific exposition. WileyPLUS sold separately from text.
Take Your Seat-The Show's About To Begin! This 8th edition of Fundamentals of Physics includes hundreds of items about curious effects in the everyday world, written in the spirit of Jearl Walker's The Flying Circus of Physics.
Fundamentals of Physics is renowned for its superior problem-solving skills development, reasoning skills development, and emphasis on conceptual understanding.
The final chapters of this volume cover atoms and nuclear physics. The book offers problems, questions and answers to guide students in improving their problem-solving skills.
Intended for Calculus-based Physics courses, the Sixth Edition of this text is a major redesign of the Fifth Edition, which still maintains many of the elements that led to its...
Market_Desc: · Physicists· Physics Students · Instructors Special Features: · A new edition of the book that has been the market leader for 30 years! · Problem-solving tactics are provided to help the reader solve problems and avoid ...
A beloved introductory physics textbook, now including exercises and an answer key, explains the concepts essential for thorough scientific understanding In this concise book, R. Shankar, a well-known physicist and contagiously enthusiastic ...
... Queen's University Eugene Mosca, United States Naval Academy Eric R. Murray, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Physics James Napolitano, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Blaine Norum, University of Virginia Michael O'Shea, ...
The publication of the first edition of Physics in 1960 launched the modern era of physics textbooks.
This book arms engineers with the tools to apply key physics concepts in the field. A number of the key figures in the new edition are revised to provide a more inviting and informative treatment.
A beloved introductory physics textbook, now including exercises and an answer key, explains the concepts essential for thorough scientific understanding In this concise book, R. Shankar, a well-known physicist and contagiously enthusiastic ...