The mind and the body, when working in harmony, is a fantastic system capable of extraordinary things. With an applied, interactive, and highly visual approach, Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology for Student Nurses provides students with an exciting and straightforward understanding of anatomy and physiology, enabling them to deliver high quality care in any setting. This book covers the structure and functions of the human body, with clinical applications throughout. Key features: A clear, straightforward book on anatomy and physiology for all students in nursing and allied health. Fully interactive, with an activity section at the end of each chapter, featuring multiple choice questions, diagram labelling, test your learning questions, crosswords, and 'find out more'. Generous, full colour illustrations throughout Clinical considerations and scenarios throughout showing how the material can be applied to daily practice A companion website where you'll find further exercises, illustrations, and interactive MCQs
The third edition of Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology is a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the structure and function of the human body.
This new study guide is a companion to the bestselling textbook Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing and Healthcare Students, and is designed to help and support you with this subject area by testing and consolidating your ...
The book is also accompanied by a companion website with further self-assessment and quizzes. Children are not little adults.
Written with the needs of nurses firmly in mind and using the person-centred practice framework as a guiding principle, this book brings anatomy and physiology to life, combining the best of print and online learning into one integrated ...
This is also a useful reference guide for any healthcare professional looking for a quick refresher on the human body.
Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 11th edition, Global edition, by Martini, Nath, and Bartholomew, is a textbook written by a team of leading authors in the field that will help you understand the most challenging topics surrounding A&P ...
After you're done, log on to, and check out the Study Group podcast and Study Group Questions for the chapter. Key Topics for Chapter 2: • The difference between matter, elements, and compounds • The main elements in the ...
Combining superb illustrations with accessible and informative text, this book covers all the body systems and key concepts encountered from the start of the pre-registration nursing or healthcare programme, and is ideal for anyone looking ...
The book utilises a straightforward, student-friendly approach to present ‘must-have’ information, with contributions from experienced clinicians and academics.
To make study easier, the book includes learning outcomes, a range of activities to test learning, key words, end-of-chapter glossaries, and clinical case scenarios, and is supported by an online resource centre with further activities and ...