American Gothic remains an enduringly fascinating genre, retaining its chilling hold on the imagination. This revised and expanded anthology brings together texts from the colonial era to the twentieth century including recently discovered material, canonical literary contributions from Poe and Wharton among many others, and literature from sub-genres such as feminist and ‘wilderness’ Gothic. Revised and expanded to incorporate suggestions from twelve years of use in many countries An important text for students of the expanding field of Gothic studies Strong representation of female Gothic, wilderness Gothic, the Gothic of race, and the legacy of Salem witchcraft Edited by a founding member of the International Gothic Association
Describes Grant Wood's portrait of Iowa farmers, and documents how the piece has represented midwestern Puritanism, hard-working endurance, and the often-parodied American heartland.
During the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, G. Gordon Gregg, a handsome physician, rents rooms in his newly constructed castle to young, beautiful, and wealthy women who mysteriously vanish. Reprint.
Added to these stories of the past are new ones that explore the wounded worlds of Stephen King, Anne Rice, Peter Straub, Raymond Carver, and more than twenty other wonderful contemporary writers.
Darryl Hattenhauer is Associate Professor of English at Arizona State University West.
Butler, Octavia E.,Adulthood Rites (New York;Warner, 1989). _____,Dawn (New York:Warner, 1987). _____,Fledgling (New York: Seven Stories, 2005). _____,Imago (New York:Warner, 1989). _____,Parable of the Sower (New York: Four Walls Eight ...
The story behind one of the most famous paintings in American art. The stern, sober countenance of the elderly farmer. The quiet, loyal character of his prim wife. Few other...
From the author of the acclaimed English Gothic: A Century of Horror Cinema, American Gothic presents an in-depth survey of the early years of the American horror film--ranging from the...
American Gothic, however, remaps the field by offering a series of revisionist essays associated with a common theme: the range and variety of Gothic manifestations in high and popular art from the roots of American culture to the present.
A glossary of terms. An annotated, critical reading list. This book offers students, writers, and serious fans a window into some of the most popular topics, styles and periods in this subject.
Karen Halttunen explores the changing view of murder from early New England sermons read at the public execution of murderers, through the nineteenth century, when secular and sensational accounts replaced the sacred treatment of the crime, ...