To understand modern principles of sustainable management and the conservation of wildlife species requires intimate knowledge about demography, animal behavior, and ecosystem dynamics. With emphasis on practical application and quantitative skill development, this book weaves together these disparate elements in a single coherent textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students. It reviews analytical techniques, explaining the mathematical and statistical principles behind them, and shows how these can be used to formulate realistic objectives within an ecological framework. This third edition is comprehensive and up-to-date, and includes: Brand new chapters that disseminate rapidly developing topics in the field: habitat use and selection; habitat fragmentation, movement, and corridors; population viability. analysis, the consequences of climate change; and evolutionary responses to disturbance A thorough updating of all chapters to present important areas of wildlife research and management with recent developments and examples. A new online study aid – a wide variety of downloadable computer programs in the freeware packages R and Mathcad, available through a companion website. Worked examples enable readers to practice calculations explained in the text and to develop a solid understanding of key statistical procedures and population models commonly used in wildlife ecology and management. The first half of the book provides a solid background in key ecological concepts. The second half uses these concepts to develop a deeper understanding of the principles underlying wildlife management and conservation. Global examples of real-life management situations provide a broad perspective on the international problems of conservation, and detailed case histories demonstrate concepts and quantitative analyses. This third edition is also valuable to professional wildlife managers, park rangers, biological resource managers, and those working in ecotourism.
The book will also be valuable to professional wildlife biologists in developing their research and management. This edition includes new chapters on foraging and on community and ecosystem ecology.
This is the first fully integrated undergraduate text focussing on the ecology and management of wildlife, with an emphasis on mammals and birds.
Topics covered in this book include • The definitions of wildlife and management • Human dimensions of wildlife management • Animal behavior • Predator–prey relationships • Structured decision making • Issues of scale in ...
Basal taxa and the role of cladistic patterns in the evaluation of conservation priorities: A view from freshwater. In P. L. Forey, C. J. Humphries, and R. I. Vane-Wright (eds.), Systematics and conservation evaluation, pp. 235-249.
Bringing together an international team of wildlife experts across North America, Wildlife Ecology and Management in Mexico provides information on the status, distribution, ecological relationships, and habitat requirements and management ...
In this book, L. Scott Mills covers the full spectrum of applied wildlife population ecology, including genomic tools for non-invasive genetic sampling, predation, population projections, climate change and invasive species, harvest ...
Climate fingerprints are being detected and documented in the responses of hundreds of wildlife species and numerous ecosystems around the world. To mitigate and accommodate the influences of climate ch
Wildlife Ecology: Conservation and Management
Covering all wild pig and peccary species, the Suidae and Tayassuidae families, this comprehensive review presents new information about the evolution, taxonomy and domestication of wild pigs and peccaries alongside novel case studies on ...
The book's well-researched chapters address conservation, wildlife use (hunting and fishing), and the psychological and philosophical underpinnings of wildlife management.