A detailed look at how to apply clinical theories to social workpractice Thinking through real-life cases to make connections betweentheory and practice is a crucial element of social work education.Now in its Second Edition, Case Studies in Child,Adolescent, and Family Treatment contains a wide range of casesdescribed in rich detail by practitioners, scholars, andresearchers. Chapters represent contexts and approaches across thesocial work spectrum, so students will get to glimpse into theclinical experience of a full range of professionals. With chapter overviews, case sketches, study questions, andreferences for further study, this book makes an invaluablereference for social work students. Learning by example is the bestway to develop the skill of clinical reasoning. Editors Craig W.LeCroy and Elizabeth K. Anthony—two distinguished scholars inthe field of social work—have brought together an impressiveroster of contributors who add their unique voices and clinicalperspectives into their insightful case descriptions. Organizedinto five thematic sections, Case Studies in Child, Adolescent,and Family Treatment, Second Edition covers the most importantareas in social work practice, including: Child welfare and adoption Individual and group treatment School and community settings Family treatment and parent training With the updates in the Second Edition, students willlearn the most current lessons in social work practice from adiverse range of scholars, researchers, and practitioners in thefield. In contexts ranging from child welfare to homelessness, thisbook provides the critical thinking skills students need tounderstand how social work theory applies in clinicalenvironments.
This award-winning book presents a realistic picture of therapy's rewards and challenges through sixteen actual cases involving children and adolescents. Readers are exposed to a variety of...
This book presents and explores a number of case studies seminal in the author’s learning of therapy with seriously ill young people and their families.
Includes highly effective creative and expressive interventions This state-of-the-art collection of 30 real-life cases on counseling children and adolescents emphasizes the developmental, relational, and cultural contexts of working with ...
The second edition of Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology expands on the case study approach utilized in the first edition, providing engaging narratives of clients with rich backgrounds and complex family situations.
Designed to be flexible via its focused modular organization, the text reflects the latest changes to the DSM (DSM 5, 2013) and is updated with new research and developments in the field.
With its accessible ideas and compelling case studies, the book ably demonstrates the critical role of family in adolescent patients’ successful transition to post-treatment life.
The Handbook of Evidence-Based Child and Adolescent Treatment Manuals is an indispensable reference for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners working with children and adolescents in a multitude of settings, from schools and ...
After the child or teen has begun to attain some distance from the trauma, and to put it clearly in the past, ... Therefore, the opportunity to play or engage in creative activities such as art facilitates the symbolic expression of ...
An overview of the core competencies for the delivery of evidence-based family interventions for child and adolescent mental health issues.
ADHD in the schools: Assessment and intervention strategies (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford Press. DuPaul, G. J., Weyandt, L. L., O'Dell, S. M., & Varejao, M. (2009). College students with ADHD: Current status and future directions.