Forensic Reports & Testimony: A Guide to EffectiveCommunication for Psychologists and Psychiatrists provides aroadmap for the mental health professional who wants to provideconsistently accurate, defensible, and useful reports and testimonyto the legal system. Authors Randy K. Otto, Richart L. DeMier, andMarcus Boccaccini, recognized experts in the field, cover allaspects of the process, including preparing affidavits and reports,preparing for depositions, and testifying. Every written or spoken communication for the courts must beclear and precise, and distinguish between facts, inferences, andopinions. This book uniquely: •Shows the critical differences between forensicpsychological reports and the clinical reports psychologists andpsychiatrists are accustomed to writing •Includes and explains important maxims of forensic reportwriting, including separating facts from inferences, focusing onoffering expert opinions, explaining why you think what you think,and connecting the dots between facts and conclusions •Provides numerous examples of experts’ testimony,affidavits, reports-with commentary and critiques Expert forensic work deserves to be presented in a clear,precise, and understandable way so that it is useful to attorneys,judges, and juries. Forensic Reports & Testimonyprovides the guidelines and models forensic psychologists andforensic psychiatrists need to make that happen.
I first met Bill after the exoneration of Timothy Atkins (all facts about the Atkins case come from the trial record in People v. Atkins, Superior Court No. A090938, 1987, and post-conviction filings and opinions). Atkins was exonerated ...
This book gives financial experts strategies to defend the analysis, conclusions, and expert opinions they have at their disposal.
This book is an essential reference for anyone preparing to give expert testimony of forensic evidence.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has repeatedly told the Spiritualists that I will eventually see the light and embrace Spiritualism . If the memory of a loved one , gone to the protection of the hands of the Great Mystifier means Spiritualism ...
While this book provides an essential call-to-action for congress and policy makers, it also serves as a vital tool for law enforcement agencies, criminal prosecutors and attorneys, and forensic science educators.
Greenfield and Gottschalk present this practical handbook to address this critical need.
This is the subject of this book. The central place in the book is given to the expert report since it is the grounds on which expert testimony in court should be set up.
When the suspect's shoes were recovered, it was determined that the shoe print was a match, but alone was not enough ... by a nonprofit professional association as meeting or exceeding a list of standards, including the FBI Director's ...
Forensic science evidence plays a pivotal role in modern criminal proceedings. Yet such evidence poses intense practical and theoretical challenges. It can be unreliable or misleading and has been associated with miscarriages of justice.
71; Burstein, 2001, p. 28]. Manson Gomi, the property owner, had installed fencing to ensure that all visitors and guests must enter the property from the front of the motel, where they can be plainly observed directly through the ...