The Change Leadership Group at the Harvard School of Education has, through its work with educators, developed a thoughtful approach to the transformation of schools in the face of increasing demands for accountability. This book brings the work of the Change Leadership Group to a broader audience, providing a framework to analyze the work of school change and exercises that guide educators through the development of their practice as agents of change. It exemplifies a new and powerful approach to leadership in schools.
Throughout the book Fullan argues that powerful leaders have built bedrocks of credibility, have learned how to identify the few things that matter most, and know how to leverage their skills in ways that benefit their entire ...
In The Art of Change Leadership: Driving Transformation in a Fast-Paced World, Cheryl Cran provides insights, practical applications, and usable ideas to help individuals and teams to harness the power of being 'leaders of change.
In doing all of this, the leader works to make change happen in the day to day activity and conversations of the organization. 'This book is a challenge - not to the reader but to any leader.
Those ideas are collected in this practical book, which will be of use to anyone who is likely to lead change initiatives in almost any organizational environment--from executives, to consultants, to management students.
There is a reason these topics always seem to occur in unison - because they are inextricably linked to one another, both in theory and in practice.Strong, effective leadership is becoming increasingly important because of the challenges ...
Leadership: The Art of Change avoids pedantry, gimmicks and hero worship while addressing the complex issues involved in trying to lead an organization. It does not bury the reader in abstractions nor does it offer quick fixes.
They're not. This book shows you why, and how get the tools, strategies, and people you need at the helm of your initiative to come out the other side much stronger as an organization.
Based on neuroscience research, this book presents and demonstrates a 'Ten Enablers' model as a framework to help change leaders successfully lead and manage change.
Now, John P. Kotter, who focused on why we have a leadership crisis in The Leadership Factor shows here, with compelling evidence, what leadership really means today, why it is rarely associated with larger-than-life charismatics, precisely ...
" While the study of managing change has benefitted from sustained critical scrutiny, particularly in the last decade, it is believed that this is to have been at the expense of critical scrutiny of leading change.