Handbook of Power Systems Engineering with Power Electronics Applications

Handbook of Power Systems Engineering with Power Electronics Applications
Technology & Engineering
John Wiley & Sons
Yoshihide Hase


Formerly known as Handbook of Power System Engineering, this second edition provides rigorous revisions to the original treatment of systems analysis together with a substantial new four-chapter section on power electronics applications. Encompassing a whole range of equipment, phenomena, and analytical approaches, this handbook offers a complete overview of power systems and their power electronics applications, and presents a thorough examination of the fundamental principles, combining theories and technologies that are usually treated in separate specialised fields, in a single unified hierarchy. Key features of this new edition: Updates throughout the entire book with new material covering applications to current topics such as brushless generators, speed adjustable pumped storage hydro generation, wind generation, small-hydro generation, solar generation, DC-transmission, SVC, SVG (STATCOM), FACTS, active-filters, UPS and advanced railway traffic applications Theories of electrical phenomena ranging from DC and power frequency to lightning-/switching-surges, and insulation coordination now with reference to IEC Standards 2010 New chapters presenting advanced theories and technologies of power electronics circuits and their control theories in combination with various characteristics of power systems as well as induction-generator/motor driving systems Practical engineering technologies of generating plants, transmission lines, sub-stations, load systems and their combined network that includes schemes of high voltage primary circuits, power system control and protection A comprehensive reference for those wishing to gain knowledge in every aspect of power system engineering, this book is suited to practising engineers in power electricity-related industries and graduate level power engineering students.

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