Since the first edition was published in 1997, HumanResources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations hasbecome the go-to reference for public and nonprofit human resourcesprofessionals. Now in its fourth edition, the text has beensignificantly revised and updated to include information thatreflects changes in the field due to the economic crisis, changesin federal employment laws, how shifting demographics affect humanresources management, the increased use of technology in humanresources management practices, how social media has becomeembedded in the workplace, and new approaches to HRM policy andpractice. Written by Joan E. Pynes—a noted expert in publicadministration—this authoritative work shows how strategichuman resources management is essential for managing change in anincreasingly complex environment. The book Includes new material on workplace violence and employeediscipline Reviews updates on the legal environment of HRM Contains suggestions for managing a diverse workforce Offers a wealth of revised tables and exhibits Updates the most recent developments in collective bargainingin the public and nonprofit sectors Outlines the most current approaches to recruitment andselection Presents an overview of recent information on compensation andbenefits Gives an update of the technological advances used forstrategic human resources management Provides examples of HRM policies from other countries The book also includes an enhanced instructor's guide withexamination questions, PowerPoint® slides, experientialexercises, and video vignettes that are coordinated with chaptersin the book.
This is the first book to do both.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Denhardt, Robert B. 1991. Public Administration: An Action Orientation. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. E-Government Act of 2002. Pub.L 107¥347 116 Stat. 2899 44 U.S.C. §101. Francisco, Laura, and Paula Singer. 2010.
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Notes on Contributors -- Acknowledgments -- 1 Introduction -- PART I Working in the Sector -- 2 Theories of the Nonprofit Sector -- 3 Trends ...
moderately engaging inand encouraging learning, and thegroup ofa low degreeof learning rarelyengages in and encourages learning when developing and implementing theHRpractices. In order to capturetheextent ofencouraging learning ...
Health care organizations in particular need to develop talent from within if they wish to sustain a competitive advantage and business continuity (Collins & Collins, 2007). Recruitment and training must be tied to the organization's ...
This book focuses on the unique characteristics, challenges and contribution of human resource management to the strategic objectives of the nonprofit.
Like organizations in other sectors, non-profit organizations now have to do more with less. This book indicates the ways in which human resource management policies and practices can improve the effectiveness of non-profit organizations.
This practical guide has handy features like a customizable CD-ROM full of sample policies, procedures, and forms that can be easily adapted to individual nonprofit organizations of any size, and it uses checklists extensively, enabling you ...
This volume provides an introduction to Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) for those in the public administration field.
Anderson, N., & Witvliet, C. (2008). Fairness reactions to personnel selection methods: An international comparison between the Netherlands, the United States, France, Spain, Portugal, and Singapore. International Journal of Selection ...