Essential information for the design of senior living facilities Building Type Basics for Senior Living, Second Edition is your one-stop reference for essential information you need to plan and successfully complete the design of residential care environments for seniors on time and within budget. Primary authors Bradford Perkins and J. David Hoglund and their Perkins Eastman colleagues-all experts in senior living design-share firsthand knowledge to guide you through all aspects of the design of senior living communities, including independent living and assisted livi.
... 125-128 “ Moonlighting ” to get started , 116117 Name clearance , 84 Naming business , 97-104 brainstorming , 98-99 Fictitious Name Statement , 99 logo , 99-101 typefaces , 100-101 , 103 visual image 99-101 Networking , 197 Notebook ...
Elderly Care Source Book: Comprehensive Guide to Long Term Care Facilities in Connecticut
Elderly Care Source Book: Comprehensive Guide to Long Term Care Facilities in New York State
The Design for Aging Review, 5th edition, is a compilation of nearly seventy projects that serve aging adults.
The projects in these books present the best current work in the field of design for the aging.