Quick, easy, specific steps that make a difference in teaching and learning Busy school leaders need an easy-to-apply resource to increase teacher effectiveness quickly and efficiently. This book shows principals and staff developers how to improve teaching school-wide through high-impact inservices lasting only ten minutes—incorporated easily into weekly staff meetings. Written by popular education consultants Todd Whitaker and Annette Breaux, this important book offers 40 teacher-tested, mini-workshops that can improve teaching in every classroom. The book covers a range of topics, from behavior challenges and parent engagement to motivating students and making lessons meaningful. Offers school leaders a proven plan to help every teacher improve on a weekly basis by conducting simple 10-minute inservice workshops Offers staff developers, new teacher induction coordinators, mentors, and Professional Learning Communities ideas for effective training sessions Each of the 40 mini-training sessions offered include tips on how to introduce the topic, sample scripts to follow, and implementation activities to ensure lasting learning Whitaker and Breaux are bestselling education authors with a proven track record improving teacher effectiveness This handy resource contains a simple and effective method for improving teacher effectiveness school wide.
In this groundbreaking book, education experts Steve Gruenert and Todd Whitaker offer tools, strategies, and advice for defining, assessing, and ultimately transforming your school's culture into one that is positive, forward-looking, and ...
This text is a practical guide for health professionals working in primary care who wish to improve their management of problem patients, problem families and problem situations.
And with Parents in Difficult Situations Todd Whitaker, Douglas Fiore. First published 2001 by Eye On Education Published ... difficult parents : (and withparentsin difficult situations) / by todd Whitaker and Douglas J. Fiore. p. cm.
Inspire yourself and others with the second edition of this best-selling book. With heartfelt advice, practical wisdom, and examples from the field, Todd Whitaker explains the qualities and practices that distinguish great principals.
This book provides the framework for understanding dynamic relationships within a school culture and ensuring a positive environment that supports the changes necessary to improve learning for all students.
With the inspiring anecdotes and insights in this book, you’ll be reminded of your greater purpose – making a difference in students’ lives.
From this book, you’ll gain effective strategies for designing and improving your classroom management from the ground up.
Knowing this will help you deal with the situation more mindfully and effectively, and less emotionally. TRY THIS The following are several ways to deal appropriately 3 3GC01 10/30/2014 8:28:20 Page 3.
This book helps you sharpen your ability to hire better teachers for your school, improve the ones who are already there, and keep your best and brightest on board.
The result ofthe leader's inactionis thata lotof good people end upwith Fear Monkeys on their backs, and both morale and output will suffer. To avoid the Avoidance Monkey Deal with problems now. Nip them in the bud while theyare still ...