The Wiley Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology offers a concise, up-to-date, and international overview of the study of developmental psychopathology. Examines the cognitive, neurobiological, genetic, and environmental influences on normal and abnormal development across the lifespan Incorporates methodology, theory, and the latest empirical research in a discussion of modern techniques for studying developmental psychopathology Considers the legal, societal, and policy impacts of changes to diagnostic categories in the light of the transition to DSM-5 Moves beyond a disorder-based discussion to address issues that cut across diagnostic categories
Applied Developmental Psychology has now become a discipline in its own right, with a society, journals and postgraduate courses specifically devoted to it. Much of this is in the USA but is to be found in other countries too.
This is by no means an exhaustive overview of the ways the metaphor of pathways may inform questions in development and psychopathology. ILLUSTRATIONS By way of illustration, we present two diagrams that represent the use of pathways in ...
Changes after the age of 10 years were nonsignificant until late adolescence, when slight increases in prejudice were noted within the 17–19 year age group. However, heterogeneity among the adolescent effects indicated important ...
Effects of a professional development program on classroom practices and outcomes for Latino English language learners. ... Defining and measuring quality early childhood practices that promote dual language learners' development and ...
... 545 physical growth, 545 respiratory system, 545 sex differences and sex steroids, 5494550 systemic versus processive stress and their neuroanatomical pathways, 5384543 Linkage, 441 Lobotomies, prefrontal, 296 Locus coeruleus, 79, ...
... play on children's development: A review of the evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 139(1), 1–34. Lindsey, E.W. (2014). Physical activity play and preschool children's ... pretense, and story: Studies in culture, context, and Autism Spectrum ...
In S. Ghetti & P. J. Bauer (Eds.), Origins and Development of Recollection: Perspectives form Psychology and Neuroscience. Oxford, UK: Oxford University ... Olson, I. R., Page, K., Sledge, K., Chatterjee, A., & Verfaellie, M. (2006).
Over the years , a number of investigators have observed unusual patterns of attachment behavior that cannot be easily captured ... children to have insecure attachments throughout the preschool years ( Cicchetti & Barnett , 1991b ) .
Organized into four parts, the text first provides students with essential background information on traditional approaches to psychopathology, developmental psychopathology (DP), normal development, and insecure attachment.
Neoconstructivist Theory The final theoretical view discussed in this section is neoconstructivism, a term intended to capture the constructivist goal of understanding developmental mechanisms, and at the same time reflecting dramatic ...