A Companion to Jean-Luc Godard

A Companion to Jean-Luc Godard
Performing Arts
John Wiley & Sons
Tom Conley, T. Jefferson Kline


This compendium of original essays offers invaluable insights intothe life and works of one of the most important and influentialdirectors in the history of cinema, exploring his major films,philosophy, politics, and connections to other critics anddirectors. Presents a compendium of original essays offering invaluableinsights into the life and works of one of the most important andinfluential filmmakers in the history of cinema Features contributions from an international cast of major filmtheorists and critics Provides readers with both an in-depth reading ofGodard’s major films and a sense of his evolution from theNew Wave to his later political periods Brings fresh insights into the great director’sbiography, including reflections on his personal philosophy,politics, and connections to other critics and filmmakers Explores many of the 80 features Godard made in nearly 60years, and includes coverage of his recent work in video

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