MAT For Dummies

MAT For Dummies
Study Aids
John Wiley & Sons
Vince Kotchian, Edwin Kotchian


Score your highest on the MAT? Easy. The MAT exam is one of the hardest intellectual challenges in the field of standardized testing. Students preparing to take this exam need a chance to practice the analogy skills necessary to score well on this test, which MAT For Dummies provides with its six full-length practice tests and plethora of other test preparation suggestions. MAT For Dummies includes test-specific analogy strategies, practice and review for each content area, word/terms lists covering the major subject categories, and six practice tests with detailed answer banks. Goes beyond content knowledge and teaches you the test-taking skills you need to maximize your score Includes six full-length practice tests with complete answer explanations Helps you score high on MAT exam day If you're a potential graduate student preparing for the MAT, this hands-on, friendly guide helps you score higher.

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