Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems

Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems
Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems
Technology & Engineering
John Wiley & Sons
Gilbert M. Masters


A solid, quantitative, practical introduction to a wide rangeof renewable energy systems—in a completely updated, newedition The second edition of Renewable and Efficient Electric PowerSystems provides a solid, quantitative, practical introductionto a wide range of renewable energy systems. For each topic,essential theoretical background is introduced, practicalengineering considerations associated with designing systems andpredicting their performance are provided, and methods forevaluating the economics of these systems are presented. While thebook focuses on the fastest growing, most promising wind and solartechnologies, new material on tidal and wave power, small-scalehydroelectric power, geothermal and biomass systems is introduced.Both supply-side and demand-side technologies are blended in thefinal chapter, which introduces the emerging smart grid. As thefraction of our power generated by renewable resources increases,the role of demand-side management in helping maintain grid balanceis explored. Renewable energy systems have become mainstream technologies andare now, literally, big business. Throughout this edition, moredepth has been provided on the financial analysis of large-scaleconventional and renewable energy projects. While grid-connectedsystems dominate the market today, off-grid systems are beginningto have a significant impact on emerging economies whereelectricity is a scarce commodity. Considerable attention is paidto the economics of all of these systems. This edition has been completely rewritten, updated, andreorganized. New material has been presented both in the form ofnew topics as well as in greater depth in some areas. The sectionon the fundamentals of electric power has been enhanced, makingthis edition a much better bridge to the more advanced courses inpower that are returning to many electrical engineering programs.This includes an introduction to phasor notation, more emphasis onreactive power as well as real power, more on power converter andinverter electronics, and more material on generator technologies.Realizing that many students, as well as professionals, in thisincreasingly important field may have modest electrical engineeringbackgrounds, early chapters develop the skills and knowledgenecessary to understand these important topics without the need forsupplementary materials. With numerous completely worked examples throughout, the bookhas been designed to encourage self-instruction. The book includesworked examples for virtually every topic that lends itself toquantitative analysis. Each chapter ends with a problem set thatprovides additional practice. This is an essential resource for amixed audience of engineering and other technology-focusedindividuals.

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