The definitive guide to architectural practice Business, legal, and technical trends in architecture areconstantly changing. The Architect's Handbook of ProfessionalPractice has offered firms the latest guidance on those trendssince 1920. The Fifteenth Edition of this indispensable guidefeatures nearly two-thirds new content and covers all aspects ofcontemporary practice, including updated material on: Small-firm practice, use of technologies such as BIM, andproject delivery methods, such as IPD and architect-leddesign-build Career development and licensure for emerging professionals andstate-mandated continuing education for established architects Business management topics, such as organizational development,marketing, finance, and human resources Research as an integrated aspect of architectural practice,featuring such topics as evidence-based design and research in asmall-firm context The Fifteenth Edition of The Architect's Handbook ofProfessional Practice includes access to a website thatcontains samples of all AIA Contract Documents (in PDF format forMac and PC computers). With comprehensive coverage of contemporarypractices in architecture, as well as the latest developments andtrends in the industry, The Architect's Handbook of ProfessionalPractice continues to be the essential reference for everyarchitect who must meet the challenges of today's marketplace withinsight and confidence.
The essential guide to beginning your career in architecture The Architecture Student's Handbook of Professional Practice opens the door to the vast body of knowledge required to effectively manage architectural projects and practice.
The Architects' Handbook provides a comprehensive range of visual and technical information covering the great majority of building types likely to be encountered by architects, designers, building surveyors and others involved in the ...
The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A compendium of well-tested...
REDEFINING THE PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE CLIENT • BUSINESS • DELIVERY • SERVICES This second companion volume to the Thirteenth Edition of The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice brings architects and others working in the ...
This definitive text explores the whole system experience of a small firm practice to deliver organizational strategies proven to keep a firm’s creative mission on a steady, productive path.
The third companion volume to the Thirteenth Edition of The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice provides architects and others working in the architectural community with new information on important issues affecting day-to-day ...
Written by The American Institute of Architects, this is the definitive textbook on practice issues written specifically for architecture students.
from Continental thought regarding architecture and its cultural construction . McNeill , William , and Karen S. Feldman , ed . Continental Philosophy : An Anthology , Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies . Malden , MA : Blackwell , 1998.
Shed fresh light on the many issues involved in the operation of an architectural practice -- from how a firm is structured to how it manages projects and secures new...