Handbook of Urology

Handbook of Urology
John Wiley & Sons
John Kellogg Parsons, John B. Eifler, Misop Han


Are you a urologist, trainee, or medical student managing patients with conditions like BPH, urinary stones or priapism? Do you require a rapid-reference guide to clinical management? If so, this full colour, practical handbook is the ideal resource, providing rapid-access information on the clinical management of all major urologic disorders and problems likely to be encountered daily. With a strong emphasis on user-friendliness and point-of-care accessibility, sections are divided according to the major areas of urology, with each chapter containing the following features: • case histories • multiple choice questions • key points box • key weblinks box • common errors in diagnosis/treatment boxes An experienced contributor team outlines the skills required to provide appropriate assessment and management of patients; in particular identifying the correct diagnostic and management options for each disorder, and how to perform basic urological procedures safely and effectively. Information corresponds to relevant American Urological Association (AUA) and European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines for clinical management. Perfect for quick browsing prior to performing a consultation, preparing for ward rounds, or when brushing up for the Boards, Handbook of Urology is the ideal quick-stop manual for urologists of all levels involved in day to day management of patients.

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