This volume explores more than two centuries of literature on the First Ladies, from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama, providing the first historiographical overview of these important women in U.S. history. Underlines the growing scholarly appreciation of the First Ladies and the evolution of the position since the 18th century Explores the impact of these women not only on White House responsibilities, but on elections, presidential policies, social causes, and in shaping their husbands’ legacies Brings the First Ladies into crisp historiographical focus, assessing how these women and their contributions have been perceived both in popular literature and scholarly debate Provides concise biographical treatments for each First Lady
A comprehensive look at the expanding roles of presidential wives from Martha Washington to Laura BushBringing together the work of notable historians, political scientists, and sociologists, The Presidential Companion: Readings...
Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison Born October 1, 1832, Oxford, Ohio Parents John Witherspoon Scott and Mary Potts Neal Scott Married October 20, 1853, to Benjamin Harrison (18331901) Children Russell Lord (Russell Benjamin) (18541936); ...
Caroline Harrison THE BENJAMIN HARRISON ADMINISTRATION * 1889 – 1893 PRESIDENT Benjamin Harrison ( 1833–1901 ) , 23rd President MAIDEN NAME Caroline Lavinia Scott BORN Oct. I , 1832 , in Oxford , Ohio EDUCATION Oxford Female Seminary ...
... 123 Lind, Jenny, 106–107 Lindbergh, Charles, 271 Louisiana Purchase, 28, 46 MacArthur, Douglas, 283, 310 Madison, ... 410–411 Philippe, King Louis, 73 Phillips, Carrie, 252–253 Pierce, Benjamin, 108, 109, 110 Pierce, Franklin, 107, ...
The biographical chapters included in this work are divided into various sections: ""Early Life"" deals with family and educational background; ""Marriage and Family"" discusses each first lady's relationship with the president; " ...
Provides profiles of the women who influenced the history of the United States as wives of its presidents.
W. A. Evans , Mrs. Abraham Lincoln ( New York , 1932 ) , p . 35 . 55. Helm , Mary , Wife of Lincoln , p . 44 . 56. Ruth Painter Randall and Ishbel Ross have both written that Stephen Douglas courted Mary Lincoln , but Mark E. Neely ...
American First Ladies is a response to the increasingly visible role that First Ladies have played in U.S. government as well as the increasing interest in women's achievements from the...
ROXIE LEE MCCARTY to BETTY FORD Marion , Illinois · June 1976 I N AN AGE WHEN WE CAN ENJOY INSTANTANEOUS COMMUNICATION with anyone , anytime , anywhere , it's hard to remember the excitement with which Americans in the 1970s embraced ...
Florence Kling Harding has come down through history as one of our most scorned first ladies. Victimized by caricatures and branded a shrew, she stands at the bottom of historians'...